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Recent news about Multicolor

September 27 - 28, 2023
Visalia Convention Center

Multicolor served as the exclusive sponsor for the luncheon, where approximately 500 participants dinned together. Representatives from Multicolor addressed the attendees during the luncheon, expressing gratitude for their support.

Dr. Pawell, a consultant from Multicolor, delivered a specialized lecture on crop nutrition theory about Multicolor during the conference.

Many attendees visited the Multicolor booth for discussions, showing great interest in Multicolor's products. Particularly, praise was given for the fresh winter jujubes and fresh persimmons provided by farmers using Multicolor. Fruits using Multicolor Crop and Multicolor Sweet products exhibited higher yields, better uniformity, increased sweetness, vibrant color, earlier ripening, and improved freshness.

The conference magazine prominently featured  Multicolor.

March 9, 2023

Multicolor exhibited in the annual Citrus Show held by the California Citrus Mutual. Many citrus orchard owners showed interest in Multicolor's products and actively tried out free trials offered by Multicolor at the event.

February, 2023

Multicolor participated in WORLD AG EXPO. The exhibition was held in Tulare, California from February 14th to 16th, with about 100,000 visitors.
A large number of visitors from California and other states, as well as Nigeria, Egypt, India, Brazil and other countries visited our booth, and many visitors expressed strong interest in our products.


Multicolor representitives presented 1 liter Multicolor Crop and Multicolor Sweet to the visitors.

1. BC Fruta Inc.
from Lindsay, CA

BC Fruta has its own independent citrus sales brand and owns approximately 300 acres of citrus orchards located in Lindsay, CA. 
Starting from March 2023, they have been applying Multicolor Crop and Multicolor Sweet. On December 8th of the same year, we visited the site to observe the changes. 


Orchard owner Abraham mentioned that he expected the oranges in the experimental area to mature two weeks earlier than those in the control area, which is beneficial for sales prices. In addition to the early red color transition, there are significant improvements in the number of hanging fruits, fruit size, uniformity, luster, sweetness, and hardness.

Some citrus trees even had branches break due to the weight of the fruits!

Abraham is pleased to have Multicolor promotional signs in his orchard, hoping to share his successful experiences with more orchard owners. 


2. Eric
farm owner
from Fresno, CA


Eric's orange orchard in Fresno began applying Multicolor Crop first from March to May and Multicolor Sweet fron July to September. He mentioned that the effects after spraying were very noticeable, with an increase in fruit set, especially a significant and uniform increase in fruit size, leading to a substantial overall increase in yield.


When we visited the orchard on December 15th of the same year, Eric's orchard had already been harvested, but he purposely left fruits on one tree for observation.


Comparing his fruits with those in stores, we observed that both the peel and the flesh of his fruits were noticeably more vibrant red, and the sweetness was also higher.









Oranges from Eric's orchard on the left.

Image 2: A comparison of the cut flesh, with the right side showing the flesh of fruits from Eric's orchard.



After using Multicolor Products V.S. Controlled Variable
Comparison of the effect of Scramento on prunes and the control area.
The owner of a farm in Sacramento, California, is very satisfied with the effect of Multicolor Crop.
In 2020, Multicolor Crop and Multicolor Sweet  use exchange meeting. In all citrus growing areas in China, Multicolor products are well-known, and a large number of citrus farms are using them, obtaining a very significant increase in benefits.
Tan Zewen, Guangdong, China, owner of 3000 acres of citrus base in Guangdong, CHina. He has used Multicolor for over 20 years.

His annual purchase of Multicolor Crop and Multicolor Sweet series products exceeds 160,000 US dollars.
He purchased 2,000 liters of Multicolor Sweet at one time, with 1 million kilograms of water each time, and used it twice.
In 2018, when Multicolor Crop was used on prunes in Sacramento, the fruiting rate increased by 55%; the single fruit weight increased by 33%, and the yield increased by 106%.
5% of the branches were crushed by the fruit, and the actual yield increased by 101%. In recent years, most of the dried fruits were ordered by large supermarkets as fresh fruits. The price increased by 20%, and the actual income was 2.4 times that of previous years.
Bottles left over from Multicolor Crop and Multicolor Sweet in a farm located in Taiwan.
In some areas, 40% of local farmers uses Multicolor Crop and Multicolor Sweet, according to well-known local farmers.
Taiwanese farmer Dong Li (first person from the left) is very fascinated by Multicolor Crop and Multicolor Sweet, his Sakyamuni orchard, from the growth of flower buds to fruit picking, sprayed once every 7 days, a total of 14 times of Multicolor Crop and 2 times of Multicolor Sweet.
Taiwan's "Rice King" Guoquan Wang owns more than 70 acres of rice and has 6 years of experience in using Multicolor products:

     1/ Usually 1 ton of rice would increase to 1.2 ton in production after using Multicolor Crop. Density increased by 20%.
     2/ Using Multicolor Crop series products, the 6-year average net profit added value is 67% (this is roughly the same as the data of Taiwanese rice farmers using Multicolor products).
Multicolor products are widely used in various provinces of China, which is a successful case of high-tech products revitalizing agriculture. Guo Chuanjie, former vice president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, wrote an inscription for Multicolor, praising the project's contribution to Chinese agriculture.
Harvard professor Hanzhong Liu (left) and Multicolor President Charles Uinn (Yongping Huang) who directed the Multicolor project.
Multicolor attaches great importance to cooperation and communication with researchers from famous universities.
China's authoritative agricultural newspaper "Southern Rural News" made a special report on the Multicolor project. The famous citrus research unit in China-Guangxi District Specialty Crops Research Institute Deputy Director Ou Shanhan introduced the test report of Multicolor Crop and Multicolor Sweet.

Multicolor Crop

Multicolor Sweet



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